Commercial Mower Owner’s Manual
For Stander ZK serial # 43181 and higher until superseded
Revised 08/2008
For your safety and for proper operation and maintenance read
carefully and keep readily available for future reference.
Additional replacement owner’s manuals as well as illustrated parts lists are available from your authorized Wright
to date product literature. Please note the complete model number and serial number of your Wright product.
For reference please note the following information at the time of purchase:
SERIAL # ________________________________
MODEL # ________________________________
DATE OF PURCHASE ______________________
PRE-DELIVERY SERVICE OF MOWER BY DEALER............................................................. 4
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS......................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 6
GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS .............................................................................................. 6
OWNER/USER NOTICE .............................................................................................................. 6
USER QUALIFICATIONS.............................................................................................................. 6
USER CLOTHING....................................................................................................................... 7
INSPECT MOWER BEFORE EACH USE......................................................................................... 7
REGULAR MOWER SAFETY MAINTENANCE.................................................................................. 7
WORK AREA CONDITIONS & INSPECTION.................................................................................... 7
INITIAL OPERATING SAFETY GUIDELINES .................................................................................... 8
FORWARD DIRECTION ......................................................................................... 8
REVERSE ........................................................................................................... 8
ZERO-RADIUS TURN OPERATION ............................................................................................... 8
OPERATION ON SLOPES ............................................................................................................ 9
FUEL SAFETY........................................................................................................................... 9
HYDRAULIC SAFETY.................................................................................................................. 9
REPLACEMENT PARTS............................................................................................................. 10
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................................ 11
MOWER INSPECTION…………………………………….………………………………………11
Basic Operation…………………………………………………………………………………….. 11
HOW TO START THE MOWER .................................................................................................... 11
Before starting the engine.................................................................................................... 11
Starting the engine............................................................................................................... 11
HOW TO DRIVE THE MOWER..................................................................................................... 11
HOW TO STOP AND PARK THE MOWER ..................................................................................... 11
DRIVING THE MOWER OVER A CURB…………………………………………………………………12
MOWING ON VARYING TERRAIN ............................................................................................... 12
HOW TO ADJUST NEUTRAL...................................................................................................... 12
HOW TO PERFORM THE TRACKING ADJUSTMENT....................................................................... 12
HOW TO TEST/USE THE BLADE CLUTCH/BRAKE SWITCH............................................................ 13
HOW TO TEST THE OPERATOR PRESENCE CONTROL (OPC) SWITCH ......................................... 13
SERVICE AND ADJUSTMENTS ...................................................................................................... 14
Tire Maintenance and Pressure........................................................................................... 14
Height-of-Cut ....................................................................................................................... 14
Deck Pitch………..…………………………………………………………………………………..14
Belt Tension ........................................................................................................................ 14
Deck Lift Spring…………….………………………………………………………………………..14
Spring Platform……………..……………………………………………………………………….14
Oil Cooler Debris Screen Cleaning…………………………………………………………….....14
Oil Cooler Cleaning…………………………………………………………………………….......14
How to Move the Mower if the Engine Won’t Start............................................................... 14
Bleeding Air from the Hydraulic System .............................................................................. 15
Battery Service .................................................................................................................... 15
Cleaning the Mower............................................................................................................. 15
MAINTENANCE INTERVAL CHART...................................................................................... 17
MAINTENANCE RECORD...................................................................................................... 18
Pre-Delivery Service of Mower by Dealer
If you are not completely familiar with the Safety Instruction Manual
read it now before proceeding with the Pre-Delivery Service of the
mower. Only your authorized Wright dealer should perform the Pre-
Delivery Service of the mower.
The Wright Stander ZK is shipped completely assembled and has been adjusted and tested at the
factory. However, due to jostling during the shipping process and the delivery time lapse the following
items need to be repeated again before starting the mower. After you have uncrated the mower, follow
these procedures in the order indicated:
• Remove spark plug wire from spark plug(s).
• Inspect the mower for any damage, unusual conditions or missing parts.
• Inspect the mower for all of its decals, especially the warning decals. There should be one blade
warning decal on each side of the deck, the “shield missing” under the blade belt covers, and the
dash decal.
• Check (and fill if necessary) engine oil level according to the engine manufacturer’s recommendation.
• Check (and fill if necessary) hydraulic fluid level. The level should be about 2” – 2 ½” below the top of
the oil fill or using a dipstick, the level will be 4.25” from the bottom of tank. Use synthetic oil:
Mobil1 15W-50.
• Check rear tire pressure - 18 to 22 psi. is recommended. It should be even on both sides. Use the
higher pressures for heavier operators. Front Casters are equipped with non-pneumatic tires and
do not require any air.
• Check the battery to see that the cables are tight and connected properly. The battery is 12 volts and
is a maintenance-free battery. Only charge the battery if it will not start the mower properly.
• Remove the blade belt covers and inspect the belt and idler arm for smooth operation.
• Rotate the blade pulleys slightly to see if they rotate freely and all turn together. There will be
resistance due to the clutch brake.
• Replace the blade belt covers.
•Check the cutter deck for proper adjustment. The deck should be approximately ¼” lower in the front
than in the rear and the deck should be level side-to-side. If the deck is not adjusted properly,
please adjust at this time. See Deck adjustments section of this manual for further instructions.
• Lubricate all moving parts (see Maintenance Items section of this manual).
• Fill fuel tanks with regular unleaded gasoline. Turn fuel valve, located on the right side of upright to the
“ON” position. The down position controls the right tank, the up position controls the left tank.
Center position is “OFF” and it is recommended to turn “OFF” when not operating.
STARTING. The hydraulic system MUST be checked for proper operation before allowing wheels
to operate on the ground.
• Set the rear of the machine on jack stands or blocks to raise rear wheels off the ground two or three
inches and check to be sure that the mower will not fall off the supports you devise. (Do not
support the mower’s weight on any part of the foot platform.) You must be able to stand on the
mower. The stand(s) must be able to secure the mower from rolling off or away during the next
procedures. Check under the mower deck for any debris or unusual conditions.
• With hand controls in the middle or neutral position, apply the parking brake.
• Open the manual bypass valves on side of each pump a half-a-turn counterclockwise.
• Reattach spark plug wires to spark plugs.
• Before starting the engine be ready to stop it if the wheels begin to turn with the brake on. (If this
happens, check that the manual bypass valves on side of each pump are open at least a half-a-turn
• Start the engine according to the engine manufacturer’s recommendation. Let the engine run at low
RPM for several minutes to get the hydraulic fluid circulating through the pumps. While standing on
the foot platform, release the parking brake. Now gradually close the manual bypass valves on top
of each pump one at a time and see if the wheels start to move. If the wheels move when the hand
controls are in neutral position, adjust the pump neutral adjustment allen screw. The manual
bypass valves on side of each pump should now be firmly closed. (Do not tighten these bypass
valves with a wrench. Only hand tighten). Now try moving the hand control levers, one at a time,
forward and backward. Check to see if the wheels move forward and backward according to
position of the levers. If not, service the hand control system. If the wheels stop when the hand
controls are in the neutral position, the parking brake should now be applied.
• Before testing the blade clutch/brake operation, make sure the area is clear and there is nothing
vulnerable to being thrown from under the mower. No one should be near the mower deck or in its
line of discharge at this time or at any time. The discharge chute deflector should be in the down
position. The parking brake should now be applied. Move the engine throttle to ¾ speed setting.
• Place your feet firmly on the foot platform and turn on the blade clutch switch. Run blades for a minute
or so. Try engaging and disengaging the blades a few times about 10 seconds apart. If the blades
do not start and stop in a short amount of time, service the clutch. With the blades on, now try
lifting your feet off the foot platform to test the Operator Presence Control switch (OPC). The
engine should die and the blades should stop in several seconds. If not, service the OPC system.
Try this a couple of times.
• Disengage the blades, set the parking brake, shut off the engine and remove the mower from the
• Drive the mower around on a level parking lot. ZK’s are being set at the factory in the slower
setting of the Speed/Sensitivity Adjustment be used. (See further in this manual for information
on Speed/Sensitivity Adjustment.) Be sure that the mower drives in a straight line when both hand
controls are held to the full speed position which is up against the stationary control bar. If not, see
further in this manual for information on tracking adjustment.
• As you drive the mower, listen for any unusual noises and test for irregular operation and adjust or
service as necessary. Next, go over the safety information and operating procedures in this
manual with the customer. Instruct the customer in proper operation and observe the
customer during their initial operation on a level parking lot. Make sure the customer is
familiar and comfortable with the basic operation and use of the mower.
• Dealer: Please fill out and follow the instructions on the Product Registration Form and have the
customer fill out his part of the form. After the Product Registration Form is filled out and signed by
the customer and a representative from your dealership, please send or fax it within 14 days to
your Wright Manufacturing Distributor according to the directions on the Form. Then give the
customer his copy of the registration form and then keep your copy and mail the remaining copies
of the form to your Wright Manufacturing Distributor. The limited warranty is not valid unless the
mower is registered and all of the above steps are taken. Remember, the purchaser is both
your and our customer and his satisfaction is very important. Thank you for supporting our
• The mower is now ready for delivery to your customer
This symbol with the word “CAUTION” indicates a
potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.
This symbol with the word “WARNING” indicates a
potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
This mower is built to the highest standards in
the industry. However, carelessness or operator
error may result in serious bodily injury or death.
Accident and hazard prevention are dependent
upon the awareness, concern, wisdom, and
proper training of the personnel involved in the
operation, transport, maintenance, and storage
of the equipment. Make sure every operator is
properly trained and thoroughly familiar with all
of the information in this manual before
Owner/User Notice:
The owner’s/user’s obligation is to instruct
themselves and all potential users in the safe
operation of this equipment and be sure they
read and follow the instructions in this safety
manual and other material provided by Wright
Manufacturing, Inc. before using or allowing
others to operate the equipment. Do not
operate this unit unless you carefully read,
understand and follow the assembly, installation,
and safety instructions contained in this manual
and the warning decals provided on the unit. Do
not allow other persons to use this unit unless
you make sure they carefully read, understand
and follow these instructions. Never allow
children to operate or play on the unit.
operating the equipment.
The Wright Stander ZK is designed with your
safety in mind. It has the following safety
systems with which you should be familiar:
The warning decals on the mower including
the instrument panel warning
The blade switch must be “off” before
starting the engine
Your feet must be on the foot platform in
order to engage the blades
If you remove your feet from the foot
platform while the blades are running the
engine will stop and the blades will brake in
User Experience and Qualifications:
This product is designed for use by physically fit,
experienced, professional commercial mower
operators who have a minimum of 160 hours
of experience operating twelve horsepower and
greater industrial mowers. Operators must be
18 years or older and weigh at least 120 pounds
and no more than 350 pounds. They must have
read and understood this manual. DO NOT
allow children to operate the mower. Do not
allow adults to operate the mower without proper
instruction mentioned above. Never allow
passengers on the mower.
Letting go of the hand controls will stop the
wheels instantly
Spring loaded chute deflector helps reduce
trajectory of thrown objects
Belt/pulley covers on cutter deck
Anti-tip rollers are provided at the rear of the
mower to minimize the possibility of tipping
back and over on the operator
equipment is in safe working condition. Check
the blade mounting bolts for proper tightness
every eight (8) hours of operation. Check the
blades for excessive wear and sharpness every
four to eight (4-8) hours of operation. Replace
excessively worn blades. Sharpen dull blades.
The mower should not be used after the blades
or other part of the mower strikes a foreign
object, until conducting a thorough inspection
and any damage is repaired. See the
User Clothing:
DO NOT operate the mower while wearing
sandals, tennis shoes, sneakers, or shorts.
Always wear long non-baggy pants. Wear high-
top leather work boots with thick, textured tread,
soft-rubber soled at all times. Hard or smooth
soled shoes are too slippery for a good footing
on mower platform. NEVER wear loose-fitting
clothing or jacket pockets that can get caught to
the handlebars or control levers of any mower
you drive. Wearing safety glasses, ear
protection and safety shoes is advisable and
required by some local ordinances and
insurance regulations.
instructions in the Recommended Maintenance
section of this manual for other items of required
Work Area Conditions and Inspection:
Prior to operating the unit, carefully inspect all
lawn/ground areas where you plan to use the
mower for hidden, hard-to-see objects or uneven
ground that may be hidden in the grass. Clear
the work area of moveable objects such as
wires, rocks, glass, etc. that might be picked up
by the mower and dangerously thrown.
Remove, if possible, or mark the location of all
immovable objects or irregular areas and be
sure not to hit them with any part of the mower,
its deck or the blades. Obstacles such as holes,
abrupt changes in ground contour, tree trunks,
stumps or roots, pipes protruding from the
ground, paving edges, etc. in the path of
operation can abruptly turn or stop the mower.
This could throw you off the mower or into and
possibly over the handle bars causing serious
injury or death. The faster you are moving,
the more potential there is for injury. Mow
only in daylight or in good artificial light. Keep
away from drop-offs, the edges of ponds,
streams, pools, etc. especially at the bottom of
slopes. Do not mow when children or others are
around. When the Wright mower is in use,
never direct the grass discharge toward
bystanders, traffic, cars or buildings nor allow
anyone near the machine while in operation.
Thrown objects can pass through glass windows
and some walls of buildings. There is extreme
risk of danger from thrown objects or being cut
by the blades of the mower or being run over if
you lose control. Never operate the mower in an
enclosed area without good, approved
Inspection of Mower Before Each Use:
DO NOT use the mower if any parts are not
maintained in good operating condition.
Examine the moving parts prior to each use.
Look for excessive wear, bald or worn tires,
cracks in parts, loose or missing bolts, cotter,
linchpin or “hair” pins or cable yoke pins and
replace before operating the mower. Make sure
all safety equipment provided with the mower is
in good operating order, including all the warning
decals and the required operator-presence
device which stops the engine and blades when
the foot-operated Operator Presence Control
(OPC) switch is released. (To test the OPC,
follow instructions in the Operating Instructions
section of this manual.) Inspect the two anti-tip
rollers and their respective bolts at the rear of
the mower for tightness and proper operation.
Be sure that all parts of the hand-operated
transmission control system are tight and
secure. This is to reduce the possibility that the
mower could have a loss of control or safety.
ventilation. Exhaust fumes are dangerous.
Scheduled Mower Maintenance Safety:
Replace worn tire(s) with less than 3/32” of any
tread groove left. Use tires with the tread
pattern specified by Wright Mfg., Inc. only. DO
NOT change the engine governor settings or
over-rev the engine contrary to engine
manufacturer specifications. Keep the Wright
mower in good operating condition, and keep
safety devices and shields in place and in
working condition. Keep all nuts, bolts, and
screws tight to be sure the
Initial Operating Safety Guidelines:
• Read and understand the warnings on the
instrument panel of the mower.
• Keep a firm hold on the stationary handle at all
• Keep both feet on the foot platform at all times.
• Know the controls and how to stop quickly.
• Before attempting to start the engine, follow all
starting instructions below and in the
engine operator’s manual.
• Be alert for traffic when crossing roads or
operating near roadways.
• Before climbing curbs, crossing gravel drives,
sidewalks or roads, turn off the blades, lift
them into transport position, and wait for
them to stop.
• Look behind before backing up.
• Before leaving the operator’s position, even
momentarily, turn off the blade clutch
engagement switch and apply the parking
brake. Keep others from coming near the
mower. Get back on the mower as soon
as possible.
• When leaving the Wright mower unattended,
turn off the blade clutch engagement
switch, apply the parking brake, stop the
engine and remove the key. Never leave
the machine unattended on a slope in
case someone disengages the parking
brake which would be hazardous if the
mower were to roll.
• When transporting, driving onto transport
vehicles, into buildings, across parking
lots or otherwise not mowing grass, turn
off the blade clutch engagement switch to
reduce risk of thrown objects and rotating
blade hazard. After coming to a stop
apply the parking brake, stop the engine
and remove the key.
Operation In Forward Direction
Always keep a firm grip on the mower stationary
handlebar with both hands. Operate the mower
slowly until you become familiar with how the
mower operates. Do not operate the mower
faster than conditions allow. For example, hills,
wet or bumpy ground, dim light or high grass are
all conditions requiring slower speeds. Never
operate the mower at the highest speed unless
you are on level, wide, open areas of clearly
visible ground or transporting on paved areas.
Speeding with any mower is dangerous, and so
is traveling faster than conditions should permit
on this mower. Sudden stops from excessive
speed or falling off the mower may cause
serious injury or death.
• Before performing any maintenance or repair
service, disengage power to blades, apply
the parking brake, stop the engine,
remove ignition key and spark plug wire
from spark plug(s).
• All operators of this mower should exercise
caution when driving this mower at high
speeds. Sudden stops from excessive
speeds may cause serious injury.
• DO NOT allow inexperienced people to
operate the mower until they have read
and understood these safety instructions.
Operate the mower at slower speeds
while becoming familiar with it.
• The grass discharge chute deflector must be
installed at all times and in the down
position except that it may be raised when
the grass catcher is completely installed or
a mulch kit is completely installed.
• If the mower discharge clogs, turn off the
blade clutch switch, apply the parking
brake, stop the engine and remove the
key before removing obstruction.
Operation In Reverse
Always keep a firm grip on the mower stationary
handlebar with both hands. Keep both feet
firmly on the foot platform. Look behind you
before backing to prevent injuring yourself or
anyone behind you. Operate the mower very
slowly, inching it backward until you become
familiar with how the mower operates. Always
operate slowly if in an awkward location or
position. While backing up, never place your
foot or feet on the ground near the back edge of
the mower to prevent serious personal injury if
the mower were to run over you.
Zero-Radius Turn Operation
During zero-radius turns (when one mower
wheel rotates backwards while the other rotates
forward) drive extra slowly to reduce the
possibility of losing traction, or control, or
becoming dizzy. This will help prevent you from
being thrown off the mower. Be aware that if
you do a turn on a slope you may go through all
of the orientations to a slope mentioned below
and must handle the mower accordingly.
• Keep all shields and covers in place,
especially grass discharge chute deflector
and the blade belt covers.
• Keep hands, feet and clothing away from
rotating parts, especially the rear wheels,
blades, engine flywheel, belts and pulleys.
• Do not touch engine or muffler while engine is
running or soon after it is stopped. These
areas can be so hot as to cause severe
• Clean grass, leaves and lubricant spills
from surfaces after use to prevent fire
make it slip. This is the preferred angle for
mowing large areas of gentle slopes.
Recommendations for this angle:
Operation on Slopes
• Lean back. This adds weight to the rear drive
wheels and will allow you to mow more
quickly across the slope without sliding.
The mower function and comfort will vary
depending on mowing environment,
operator driving style and preference.
• To reduce the chances of “popping-a-wheelie”,
do not accelerate quickly.
Note: Excessively worn tire tread is dangerous.
Replace tire(s) with less than 3/32” of any tread
groove left. Use tires with the tread pattern
recommended by Wright Mfg., Inc. only. Keep
the tire pressure in the drive tires between 18
and 22 psi. Higher pressures will cause the tires
to have less traction which may prevent safe
DO NOT operate on steep slopes. Do not
operate the mower on slopes steeper than you
can feel secure about the traction of the tires
and the stability of the mower. Do not operate
the mower on slopes at all when the grass is
wet. There is a danger of suddenly sliding
sideways or down the hill. When operating on a
slope, travel across the grade whenever
possible, not in an up or down pattern. Reduce
speed and exercise extreme caution on slopes
and in sharp turns to prevent tipping or loss of
control. Be especially cautious when changing
direction on slopes.
When pointing up a slope, your mower has the
most weight on the drive wheels and therefore
the most traction at the tires. However, this is
the angle that it has the most tendency to tip
back (“pop a wheelie.”) This is the preferred
angle for mowing small areas of steeper slopes.
Fuel Safety
Recommendations for this angle:
Handle gasoline with care – it is highly
flammable. Do not smoke while handling
gasoline. Use an approved gasoline container.
Never remove the fuel cap or add gasoline to a
running or hot engine or an engine that has not
been allowed to cool for several minutes after
running. Never fill the tank indoors and always
clean up spilled gas. NEVER store the
equipment with gasoline in the tank inside a
building where fumes may reach an open flame
or spark. Allow the engine to cool before storing
in any enclosure.
• Lean as far forward as possible to add your
weight to the front of the mower.
• Accelerate gently. Do not accelerate quickly
to avoid “popping a wheelie”.
• If backing down the hill, do not stop suddenly
but slow down gradually.
When pointing down a slope, your mower has
the least weight on the rear drive wheels and
therefore the least traction at the tires. This is
the angle that the mower has the most tendency
to slide. However, this is the angle that it has
the least tendency to tip back. Avoid this angle,
as it has the least advantage for your mower.
Recommendations for this angle:
• Lean back with arms stretched out straight
while holding onto the stationary
Hydraulic Safety
Keep body and hands away from pin holes or
fittings that eject hydraulic fluid under high
pressure. Use paper or cardboard and not
hands to search for leaks. Hydraulic fluid
escaping under high pressure may have
sufficient force to penetrate skin and cause
serious injury. If foreign fluid is injected into the
skin, it must be surgically removed within a few
hours by a doctor familiar with this form of injury
or gangrene may result. Seek medical attention
immediately. Make sure all hydraulic fluid
connections are tight and all hydraulic hoses
and lines are in good condition before starting
your Wright mower. Hydraulic fluid is under high
pressure. If you need service on your hydraulic
handlebar. This transfers more of your
body weight to the rear drive wheels for
more traction.
• Do not change speed suddenly to minimize
the tendency of going into a slide.
Accelerate and decelerate gently. If you
ever go into an uncontrolled slide while
pointing down a slope the recommended
procedure is to let go of the handles and
jump off if necessary. Otherwise, control
the mower gently and stay off slopes that
tend to make the wheels slide.
When crossing a slope sideways, your mower
has the average amount of weight on the drive
wheels versus the front wheels, similar to level
ground. However, this angle leaves the least
weight on the higher side drive wheel, tending to
system, please see your authorized Wright
Replacement Parts
Use of parts other than specified parts
supplied by Wright Manufacturing, Inc. may
compromise the safe use of the mower, are
not recommended and their use could void
the warranty. Always check with your
Dealer or the Wright Mfg website for the
latest Illustrated Parts List for your
Wright is fully concerned with your safety.
Please read the above again and again
until you fully understand the methods to
promote the safest operation possible.
If you are not completely familiar with the Safety Instruction
Manual read it now before proceeding with the operation of
several attempts or stalls frequently, take the
mower in for service.
Inspect Mower Before Each Use
Inspection of Mower: Do not use the mower if
any parts are not maintained in good operating
condition. Examine all moving parts prior to each
use. Look for excessive wear, bald drive tires or
worn out front tires (normally smooth), cracks in
parts, loose or missing bolts, cotter, linchpin or “hair”
pins or cable yoke pins and replace before operating
the mower. Make sure all safety equipment
provided with the mower is in good operating order,
including all warning decals and the operator-
presence device which stops the engine and blades
when the foot-operated Operator Presence Control
(OPC) switch is released. To test the OPC, follow
the instructions given later in this manual. Inspect
the two anti-tip rollers and their respective bolts at
the rear of the mower for tightness and proper
operation. Ensure that all parts of the Quad-Lever™
control system are tight and secure. This is to
reduce the possibility that the mower could have a
loss of control or safety.
After starting the engine according to the engine
manufacturer’s recommendation, push in on the
choke control knob to open the choke valve, let the
engine run for several minutes to get the hydraulic
fluid circulating through the pumps, etc. and to allow
the engine to warm up. Do not over-rev a cold
Unusual noises or irregular operation:
As you drive the mower, listen for any unusual
noises and test for irregular operation and
adjust or service as necessary.
How to drive the mower
While standing, both feet should be firmly placed on
the foot platform. Set the engine speed about a
fourth of the way from idle. Release the parking
brake. Now try moving the hand control levers, one
at a time, very slightly, forward and backward.
Check to see if the wheels move forward and
backward according to the position of the levers. If
not, check to see that the pump release valves are
closed. With both feet still firmly placed on the foot
platform, increase the engine speed to about half of
the way from idle speed. Release the parking brake.
The higher engine speed will make the controls
much more responsive and the mower much
quicker; Use caution if it is your first time. Now
try moving the hand control levers, one at a time,
very slightly, forward and backward. Gradually
increase your speed until you are well acquainted
with the operation of the hand controls and the
mower’s behavior. After gaining a good feel for how
the mower handles, gradually attempt higher engine
speeds until familiar with operation at full throttle
engine speed.
Basic Operation: The following procedures are to
guide you through the basic operation of the mower.
You should be a qualified mower operator
according to the safety section of this manual. If
this is your first time, operation should only be
done with the assistance of your dealer on a
level area. You should go through each step, in the
order indicated, every time you start the mower.
How to start the mower
Before starting the engine
• Make sure the control levers are in the exact
neutral position
• Apply the parking brake if it is not already set.
• Turn OFF the blade engaging switch if it is on.
• Turn fuel valve to the “ON” position.
How to Stop and Park the Mower
Come to a complete stop. If the blades are on,
turn them off using the switch on the instrument
panel. Make sure the control levers are in the
exact neutral position. Set the parking brake,
reduce the engine speed to idle, shut off the
ignition switch to stop the engine and then
remove the key from the ignition switch. The
mower is now parked. Do not leave mower
unattended on a sloped surface.
Starting the engine
Electric Start:
•Start the engine according to the engine
manufacturer’s recommendation, see engine
manual. Set the throttle control lever near mid
throttle, pull out on the choke control knob and
turn the key to the start position. Do not engage
the starter for more than ten (10) seconds at a
time. This may overheat the starter and the
wiring systems. Wait ten (10) seconds between
attempts. If the engine does not start after
How to Drive the Mower Over a Curb
To climb a curb, first see the Safety Instruction
Manual section of this manual, especially the parts
How to Adjust Neutral
Neutral refers to the mower movement when the
engine is set to full throttle, parking brake is off, and
the control levers are in the neutral position. The
mower should not move forward or backward during
this time. If the mower is moving forward or
rearward, the neutral setting must be adjusted. The
hydraulic pump has a Return-to-Neutral (RTN)
device built into the linkage of the pump. To make
the adjustment, loosen the ¼” allen bolt and rotate
the RTN device until the neutral position is found
and then retighten the ¼” allen bolt. Use care not to
over tighten the allen bolt.
•Initial Operating Safety Guidelines
•Operation In Reverse
•Operation In Forward Direction
Next, raise the mower deck into the locked transport
position. This is the highest position for the mower
deck. Then drive the mower in reverse at a 45
degree angle to the curb (with the left side of the
mower closest to the curb) until you are within an
inch or two of the left-rear tire hitting the curb. Stop
and then gradually bump into the curb with that tire
until it is just on top of the curb. If the tire slips even
while lurching the mower into the curb, then the curb
is too high and you should use ramps or find another
way. The mower should still be at a 45 degree
angle to the curb. Now, while maintaining the same
angle to the curb, continue to back up until the right-
rear tire is close to the curb. Using the same
technique lurch the right tire onto the curb. After
both wheels are on top of the curb, turn the mower
counterclockwise and back up so the left caster
wheel comes over and last should be the right caster
wheel as the mower is twisting to the left
(counterclockwise). The technique works the best if
you try not to drive backwards at a near 90 degree
angle to the curb but get all of the wheels to go over
while the mower is moving at least a 45 degree
angle to the curb. To drive off a curb, first try driving
up onto it to make sure the curb is not too high. If
the curb is not too high, drive the right-front caster
off first while driving toward the curb at a 45 degree
angle (the curb should be to your right). Then,
maintain that 45 degree angle so the left caster goes
over, then the right-rear wheel, then the left rear
How to Change the Speed/Sensitivity
The controls are initially set with the Speed/ Sensitivity
adjustment in the slower,
less sensitive position. This
setting has the ground
speed 10-15% slower than
the mowers capability.
With operators not
completely familiar with the
mower operation the operator may desire to leave the
controls in the slow hole setting until becoming familiar
with the operation. The faster setting has a
corresponding increase in the sensitivity of the controls.
In other words, a given amount of movement of the
control levers will cause about a 10-15% increase in the
ground speed making the controls more sensitive. After
stopping the engine, the adjustment is made by
removing rod ends connected to the control rods from the
current holes in the control levers and reinstalling them
into the alternate holes. The holes closest to the
operators position are for the faster, more sensitive
setting and the holes farthest from the operators position
are the slower, less sensitive setting. You must then
perform the Tracking Adjustment described below.
How to Perform the Tracking Adjustment
First ensure that the tire pressure is equal on both
rear drive tires. Drive the mower on a level parking
lot with engine at full throttle. Check that the mower
drives in a straight line when both hand controls are
held to the full speed position which is up against the
stationary control bar. If not, park the mower and
stop the engine. Before proceeding to adjusting
the mower tracking, check and make sure both
controls move freely through the forward and
reverse range. Make sure that debris has not
hindered the movement of the upper and lower
control rods and linkages. If all control linkages
move freely and mower tracking is off, proceed to
the next step.
Never drive straight onto or off a curb.
Never drive straight onto or off a curb. If you do the
whole procedure at a very sharp angle it will tend to
minimize the contact of the mower deck with the
curb and you will be able to more safely control the
How to Use the Mower on Varying Terrain
See the Safety Instruction Manual section of this
manual, especially the parts on:
•Initial Operating Safety Guidelines
•Operation On Slopes
Tracking in the Slow Hole Setting
It is essential to start with the lower (and shorter)
control rods located near the pumps. With the
control levers in the neutral position, the right and
left lower control rod should be adjusted to allow
their respective torsion bar to remain level at the end
connected to the lower control rod. Specifically, with
•Operation In Reverse
•Operation In Forward Direction
•Operation During Zero-Radius Turns
control rod on the right) or the right side needs to go
slower (by shortening the upper control rod on the
left). If the mower is tracking to the right, either the
right side needs to go faster (by lengthening the
upper control rod on the left) or the left side needs
to go slower (by shortening the upper control rod on
the right).
the pump in the Return-To-Neutral position, the
lower rod end should be the same height as the
rigidly fixed ball joint connected on the same end of
the torsion rod. NOTE: This adjustment may not be
necessary if tracking is slightly off. Upper control
rods should be the only adjustment required.
Perform this adjustment on both the right and left
side. Now that the lower end of both torsion rods
are set, proceed to the upper control rods connected
to the control levers.
Loosen the jam nuts on both ends of the upper
control rod. Note: the Speed Sensitivity setting
should be set to the slow position. Rotate control rod
to either lengthen or shorten. So, if the mower is
tracking to the left, either the left side needs to go
faster (by lengthening the upper control rod on the
right) or the right side needs to go slower (by
shortening the upper control rod on the left). If the
mower is tracking to the right, either the right side
needs to go faster (by lengthening the upper control
rod on the left) or the left side needs to go slower
(by shortening the upper control rod on the right).
The only reference point to limit the adjustment from
becoming extremely off is the relative position of the
pump internal stop and the stationary bar in the
faster Speed/Sensitivity setting. Therefore, if
everything is extremely off either because you are
installing new parts or other reasons you should only
use the faster Speed/ Sensitivity setting to get the
tracking to be accurate. After getting the mower to
track straight, readjust the neutral adjustment, if
necessary. It is normal to need to make these
adjustments from time to time as the linkage breaks
in or wears.
Test/Use the Blade Clutch/Brake Switch
Before testing the blade clutch/brake operation,
make sure the area is clear and there is nothing
vulnerable to thrown objects from under the mower.
No one should be near the mower deck or in its line
of discharge. The discharge chute deflector should
be in the down position. The parking brake should
now be applied. Move the engine throttle to ¾
speed setting. (When mowing, the engine speed
should always be at its highest setting. The engine
governor will regulate the engine according to the
different mowing conditions at that setting.) Place
both feet firmly on the foot platform and turn on the
blade clutch switch. Run blades for a minute or so.
Try engaging and disengaging the blades a few
times about 10 seconds apart. If the blades do not
start and stop in a few seconds each time, inspect
the clutch or contact your local Wright dealer. Under
mowing load, the clutch’s life will be the greatest at
the highest RPM setting.
Tracking in the Fast Hole Setting
It is essential to start with the lower (and shorter)
control rods located near the pumps. With the
control levers in the neutral position, the right and
left lower control rod should be adjusted to allow
their respective torsion bar to remain level at the end
connected to the lower control rod. Specifically, with
the pump in the Return-To-Neutral position, the
lower rod end should be at the same height as the
rigidly fixed ball joint connected on the same end of
the torsion rod. Perform this adjustment on both the
right and left side. Now that the lower end of both
torsion rods are level, proceed to the upper control
rods connected to the control levers.
Loosen the jam nuts on both ends of the upper
control rod. Note: the Speed Sensitivity setting
should be set to the fast position. Before changing
the length of the control rods several facts are
important to know.
How to Test the Operator Presence Control
(OPC) Switch
In the faster Speed/Sensitivity setting neither control
rod should be shortened so much that at full speed it
pulls the pump control lever (on the sides of the
pumps) against the pump’s internal stop. The
pumps have an internal stop that is not designed to
take this type of force and could eventually cause
pump leakage or other damage to the pump.
Therefore, to reach the maximum capable speed,
the rods should be lengthened one turn at a time
until you can feel in the hand control that the internal
stop has been contacted with the control handles in
the maximum forward position. Then shorten the
cable one turn. This will enable the stationary bar to
stop the control handle and protect the internal
pump stop from damage. Remember, this
With the parking brakes applied and the blades ON,
try lifting your feet off the foot platform to test the
Operator Presence Control switch (OPC). The
engine should kill and the blades should stop within
a few seconds. If not, service the OPC system or
contact your local Wright dealer.
procedure does not apply if the Speed/Sensitivity
Adjustment is in the slower setting.
So, if the mower is tracking to the left, either the left
side needs to go faster (by lengthening the upper
Deck Adjustments
The mower deck can be adjusted for pitch and side-
to-side lever. Pitch is the relationship between the
front of the deck and the rear of the deck in regards
to height of cut. In most cases, a positive pitch (front
of the deck lower than the rear of the deck) of ¼” is
the optimum setting. These two adjustments can
easily be made by using the deck lift rod assemblies
attached to the front deck arms and the threaded
deck hangers located at the rear of the deck frame.
These hangers are connected to the chains that hold
the deck. Adjust the rear deck hangers (by using a
socket through the hole above the toe area of the
platform) to achieve a ¼” pitch. These hangers are
right-handed threads. If you raise any of these
settings above the factory setting, the deck may not
raise all the way up into transport position. Be sure
and check the deck height of cut range after any
adjustments are made to these hangers to ensure
that the height of cut adjustments work properly. If
unable to make the adjustments needed by only
using these hangers, contact your dealer for
Service and Adjustments
Tire Maintenance and Pressure
Excessively worn tire tread is dangerous on all hills.
Replace drive tires with less than 3/32” of any tread
groove left. Use tires with the tread pattern
recommended by Wright Mfg., Inc. only. Keep the
tire pressure in the drive tires between 18 and 24
psi. Higher pressures will cause the tires to have
less traction which will force you to go slower and
with less safety and give you a harder ride. Front
Casters are equipped with non-pneumatic tires and
do not required any air. They do not have any tread
but should be replaced when excessively worn.
Belt Tension Adjustment
The pump drive belt is self-adjusting, and requires
no adjustment, just replacement. The blade drive
belts are self-adjusting also and require no
adjustment, just replacement.
Before adjusting the height-of-cut be sure the mower
blades are not spinning, and all four tires have
proper air pressure. Check for even tire wear. The
height-of-cut can be adjusted the following ways:
• Pull the deck lift lever on the right hand side of the
mower towards the rear of the mower until it clicks
once into the locked transport position. Then set
the mower blade height with the selector pin on
the left hand side of the mower. Once the proper
height setting is set on the left, pull back on the
deck lift lever on the right hand side and then
lower the lever towards the front of the machine
until it stops at the set height of cut.
Deck Lift Spring Adjustment
To adjust deck spring tension, tighten or loosen the
eye-bolt Nylock jam nut located in the front tank
bracket. If tightening for more lift assist make sure
not to over tighten creating the deck to hop over
rough terrain.
Spring platform Adjustment
The factory setting is both springs set at the most
forward position. The more rearward the spring
position, the stiffer the platform gets. Adjustment will
be to preference of feel. The two adjustment springs
should at all times, be positioned next to each other
not one forward or back more than the other. To
adjust, loosen each spring retaining bolt from the top
just enough to slide it, then tighten with impact
wrench. The nut may spin using hand wrench.
NOTE, do not loosen too much, if the nut falls off,
the foot platform will have to be removed to reinstall.
There is an extra hole for a third spring for operators
heavy enough to bottom out the duel spring stock
set up.
Oil Cooler Screen Removal and Cleaning
Your Stander ZK is equipped with an oil cooler, the oil
cooler debris screen will need to be cleaned several
times a day. Clean more often in bush hog
conditions. To clean, “STOP ENGINE” lift thigh pad
for access, either wipe screen or remove screen for
cleaning. To remove screen, lift and rotate spring
locks to free the screen. The screen is bowed to
prevent a rattle and should be installed hump down,
like a “U”. Using compressed air or water to clean
may or may not be necessary.
Cleaning the Mower
The underside of the mower deck should be
checked and cleaned twice daily, and more often if
the grass being mowed is lush or wet. The entire
mower should be cleaned daily at the end of the
work day.
Oil Cooler Removal and Cleaning
Clean oil cooler weekly. Clean more often in dry
conditions. To remove oil cooler for a thorough
cleaning “STOP ENGINE”, lift thigh pad for access.
Loosen knob as far as necessary to slide the cooler
back about 3/8 – 1/2" and then lift up and out. (The
cooler knob does not need to be removed) Watch
cooler hoses so they do not snap pump fans. The
debris screen should be removed before blowing
cooler out from the bottom. When reinstalling the
cooler, make sure the cooler hoses do not interfere
with the fans and ensure the cooler housing is secure
under the four tab points of the cooler bracket.
Tighten knob securely.
Cleaning should be done with a leaf blower or low-
pressure compressed air. Wash with water only
when necessary and do not use a pressure washer
or nozzle as the water can enter electrical
connections causing an electrical short, rust and
corrosion. When washing with water, do so when
the unit has cooled down. Washing a hot machine
can cause various unseen system damage. If water
is used for cleaning, immediately dry it with a leaf
blower or low-pressure compressed air. Once the
wash is complete, always lubricate and grease all
applicable areas.
How to Move the Mower if the Engine Won’t
Rotate both of the manual “release” valve levers on
the rear of each hydraulic pump about ½ turn
counterclockwise. It is important not to over tighten
these levers. Damage may occur to the pump if this
valve is over tightened.
Bleeding Air from the Hydraulic System
Whenever servicing the hydraulic system, it is of
the utmost importance to keep any dirt or debris
from getting into the system. When any of the
hydraulic parts are disconnected or removed or
when the oil is changed, air must be bled from the
system. If air is entrained in the system, loss of
power, excessive heat, and damage to the hydraulic
pumps may occur. First, make sure the oil level in
the reservoir is correct. The level should be
between 2” – 2 1/2” below the top of the oil fill tube.
Use fully synthetic oil: Mobil 1 15W-50. Lift the
mower so that the rear wheels are off the ground.
Be careful to support the mower so that it will not fall
or tip while the system is bled of air. With the
bypass valves open and the engine running, slowly
move the control levers back and forth five or six
times. Now close the bypass valves and with the
engine running, slowly move the control levers back
and forth five or six times. It may be necessary to
repeat the above steps until all the air is purged and
the rear wheels are turning at normal speed. After
purging is complete, adjust the oil level in the
reservoir if necessary.
Battery Service
The battery is 12 volts and is a maintenance free
battery. Charge the battery only if it will not start the
mower properly. Remove the battery from the
mower before charging. Follow the instructions of
the battery charger for proper and safe charging of
the battery.
* * This Page Intentionally Left Blank * *
Maintenance Record
Maintenance/Service Performed
Wright Manufacturing, Inc. (hereinafter: WMI) warrants to the original
owner that the new WMI mower accompanying this document will be
free from manufacturing defects in materials or workmanship subject to
The WMI mower, including any defective part, must be returned to an
Authorized WMI Service Dealer within the warranty period. The
expense of lost production time and delivering the mower to the
Authorized WMI Service Dealer for warranty work and the expense of
returning it to the Owner after repair will be paid for by the Owner.
WMI’s responsibility is limited to making the required repairs and no
claim of breach of warranty shall be cause for cancellation or
rescission of the contract of sale of any WMI mower. This Warranty
does not apply to any mower that was delivered to an Owner prior to
the Pre-Delivery Service as specified in the Owner’s Manual. This
Warranty does not apply to any mower that was shipped in a crate to
the Owner or delivered to the Owner by non-employees of an
Authorized Dealer. For the Owner’s protection and a valid Warranty,
please note: WMI does not permit Authorized Dealers to make non-
face-to-face deliveries of the mower and any who are found doing so
are subject to immediate cancellation as Authorized Dealers. This
Warranty does not cover any mower that has been subject to misuse,
neglect, negligence, burning in any fire, an accident, or that has been
operated or maintained in any way contrary to the operating and
maintenance instructions as specified in the Owner’s Manual. The
Warranty does not apply to any damage to the mower that is the result
of improper maintenance, or to any mower or parts that have not been
assembled or installed as specified in the Owner’s Manual. The
Warranty does not cover any mower that has been altered or modified
changing performance or durability. In addition, the Warranty does not
extend to repairs made necessary by normal wear, or by the use of
parts or accessories which, in the reasonable judgment of WMI, are
either incompatible with the WMI mower or adversely affect its
operation, performance or durability.
the following limitations and exclusions.
Any part of the WMI
commercial mower manufactured by WMI and found, in the reasonable
judgment of WMI, to be defective in materials or workmanship, will be
repaired or replaced by an Authorized WMI Service Dealer without
charge for parts and (except as excluded below) labor. This Warranty
is limited to the original Owner and the mower this document was
provided with and is not transferable. Dealer demo units with less than
fifty hours when first retailed shall also be covered by this limited
warranty. Proofs of Purchase, Authorized Dealer performed Pre-
Deliver Service and the First Eight Hour Service will be required by the
Authorized WMI Service Dealer to substantiate any warranty claims.
All WMI warranty work must be performed by an Authorized WMI
Service Dealer and item must be delivered to the dealer prior to the
expiration of the warranty period. This Warranty is limited to the
following specified periods from the date of the original retail purchase
for defects in materials or workmanship and will commence upon the
date of original retail purchase. This warranty shall apply only if the
warranty registration form has been completed and returned to Wright
Manufacturing, Inc. within 30 days from the date of original retail
purchase. This warranty includes only the cost of parts and labor
(when applicable). This warranty applies only to the replacement of
defective or otherwise warrantable WMI OEM parts being replaced
with WMI OEM parts.
All parts and components (except as noted below) – 2 years
Belts – 90 days
Battery – 90 days
Engine – warranty covered by engine manufacturer and
handled through the respective Authorized engine Dealers
WMI reserves the right to change or improve the design of any mower
without assuming any obligation to modify any mower previously
All other implied warranties are limited in duration to the two (2) year
warranty period or ninety (90) days for mowers used for rental
Any damage or deterioration due to normal use, wear and tear or
All filters, engine oil, hydraulic oil, tires and tubes
Bent, fractured or broken parts occurring through impact or hard use
Clutch: linings, anti-rotation failure or other failure due to improper
replacement installation
Cost of regular maintenance service, parts or adjustments
Worn bearings (other than spindle bearings; see above)
Worn bushings, cotters, clips, pins and retainers
Grease fittings/zerks
Paint, paint fading, cosmetic imperfections and steel surface
Accordingly, any such implied warranties including
merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or otherwise, are
disclaimed in their entirety after the expiration for the appropriate two
(2) year or ninety (90) day warranty period. WMI’s obligation under
this Warranty is strictly limited to the repair or replacement of defective
parts and WMI does not assume, or authorize anyone to assume for
them, any other obligation. Some states do not allow limitations on
how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not
WMI assumes no responsibility for incidental, consequential or other
damages including, but not limited to, expense for gasoline, expense of
delivering the mower to an Authorized WMI Service Dealer and
expense of returning it to the Owner, damage by fire, mechanic’s travel
time, telephone charges, rental of a like product during the time
warranty repairs are being performed, travel, loss or damage to
personal property, loss of revenue, loss of use of the power equipment,
loss of time or inconvenience. Some states do not allow the exclusion
or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above
limitation or exclusion may not apply.
Fabric, cushion and rubber grip wear or damage
Cutting blades, light bulbs, fuses
Damage due to loose pulleys on shafts
Damage due to loose wheel hubs on tapered hydraulic motor shafts
Fire Damage
Abrasion or corrosion wear or damage
Repair Parts Replaced During Original Warranty
All Repair parts (excluding wear or otherwise excluded items) installed
during the warranty period are warranted until the end of the respective
original period according to the categories above except in the case
that the respective original warranty period expires in less than ninety
(90) days after the installation of the part(s). If this happens then the
parts are warranted for a total of ninety (90) days from the time of their
This Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have
other rights which vary from state to state.
This Warranty applies to all WMI mowers sold in the United States of
America and
Rental Use
The above warranty periods are limited to maximum of ninety (90)
days for mowers that are used for rental purposes.
For the location of the Authorized WMI Service Dealer nearest you
or other information, such as, Parts Lists and Owner’s Manuals
visit our website at:
Wright Manufacturing, Inc.
4600-X Wedgewood Blvd.
Frederick, MD 21703
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