It is specifically designed to have great immunity to CFL-type infrared interference and to have exceptional
IR reception range. In addition, the 480-80 will operate in direct sunlight! They may be mounted under
shelfedges,cabinetledges,inwallspeakers,etc.-anywhereaninconspicuousappearanceisdesired. The
high sensitivity of these receivers allows placement behind speaker grilles and still receive IR commands
up to 30 feet away. If longer range is necessary, 3/8-inch holes must be drilled in the grille to allow
unobstructedentryoftheIRsignaltoeachoftheIRreceiverwindows. Therearetwovariationsofthismodel
as follows:
480B-80 Standardversion, withblackcase. Has7-foot3-conductorribboncablewithstrippedandtinned
480W-80 Same as the 480B-80 except with white case.
• Very small package, only 7/16" x 5/16" x 2-5/16".
• IR carrier input frequency reception range: 30 to 60 kHz.
• IR carrier output frequency: 38 kHz.
NOTE: The 480-80 will not work with certain brands & models that operate at higher frequencies
or that have unusual code structures. Contact Xantech Technical Support for more information.
• IR reception range: Up to 70 feet on axis (range depends on device being controlled and levels of IR or
EM interference).
• Reception angle: 55 degrees off axis with 50% range reduction.
• Red talk-back LED tests system and indicates infrared reception.
• Includes 3-Terminal Block for easy extension of 7' ribbon cable.
NOTE: The 480-80 will not operate in 2-wire Phantom Power mode.
• Power: 12 volts DC @ 20 mA.
781RG Power Supply (not included) powers up to ten 480-80's.
• Maximum current output: 100 mA peak.
• Cable requirements: See "INSTALLATION" below (un-shielded OK).
• Maximum cable length: One mile with 18 gauge.
• Drives IR Emitters through Xantech Connecting Blocks, Controllers, etc.
• Dimensions: 7/16" x 5/16" x 2-5/16".
• SUN480 Sunscreen filters available separately. Order these to help with IR interference. They fit easily
over the two photodiode openings
The 480-80 is intended to be wired to the input terminals of Xantech Connecting Blocks or other devices,
using the supplied 3-terminal block in the remote room location. A 3-conductor cable (24 gauge up to 200',
22 gauge up to 600', 20 gauge up to 2000', 18 gauge up to 5000'), is run to the main room. Connections
are then made to a Xantech connecting block, power supply and emitters as shown in the illustration of a
typical basic system on the next page.
The 480-80 is designed with special circuitry so that is has great immunity to infrared interference caused
by CFL (compact fluorescent light) and other types of high frequency electronically ballasted fluorescent
lights. Becauseofthis, thefollowingprecautionsmustbetakenintoconsiderationwhenusingthesespecial
IR receivers:
1. Do not use more than one 480-80 in a given room or area!
If two or more 480-80's, (or other Xantech CFL friendly IR receiver) receive the same IR signal
simultaneously, the system will not respond.
2. The 480-80 (or other CFL friendly IR receivers) will not operate with older Xantech products that
use 679 and RC16 Programmer commands!
This includes models 670, 671, 676, 677, 680, 686 and RT16. For installations using these products,
use standard Xantech IR Receivers, such as the 291, 480, 490, and 780-10 series.
3. The 480-80 (or other Xantech CFL friendly IR receivers) do not have much improvement in
Hz) fluorescent lighting.
You may choose to use the CFL friendly units in most applications anyway, since they will have
superior rejection to other types of IR interference that may exist in the same installation.
4. The 480-80 will not operate in 2-wire Phantom Power mode.
1. The 480-80 has been designed to have high rejection of IR Interference from High Frequency
Ballasted Overhead or Compact Fluorescents and Direct or reflected sunlight. However, in the
presence of extremely intense interference from such sources, you may experience a reduction in
range between the hand-held remote control and the 480-80. The reduction may be from over 50 feet
to 15 feet or so.
Other sources of interference may be from:
• Neon or Halogen lights, Neon Art, light dimmers.
• Infrared security sensors (active types).
• RF radiation from TV sets that may be close to the 480-80 IR Receiver.
2. Toimprovetherangeunderinterferenceconditions,youneedtoconfirmthesourceoftheinterference.
Do this by temporarily turning off TV sets, etc., reducing the exposure of the 480-80 IR Receiver to
direct sunlight and turning off all lights, light dimmers and Infrared security systems. Then check to
see if the range improves.
When you have isolated the interfering source, it will be necessary to move either it or the 480-80 IR
Receiver to improve operation.
3. If the red Talk-Back LED on the 480-80 does not blink when you are sending IR commands from a
remote control, check the following:
• Make sure the power supply is plugged securely into a live 120V AC wall outlet.
• Be sure the +12V, IR OUT and GND leads are correctly connected to the respective +12VDC, IR
IN (or SIGNAL) and GND terminals on the connecting block.
• Check to see that all the emitters you are using are good, by substituting known good emitters.
• Models 283 and 286 series emitters will flash when the remote signal is sent, when the system is
operating correctly; Models 282 and 284 series will not. Use Xantech Model 179-99 Test IR to test
for presence of signal when using the 282 and 284 series emitters.
4. IfyouaresuretheemittersareOK, butthecomponentsdonotrespond, repositiontheemitter(s). They
may not be located directly over the component’s infrared receiving "window". Consult the owner's
manual of the component or the manufacturer for the exact location of the infrared "window".
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